A wise man once said, “Start as you mean to go on.”
Keeping this in mind I set off for Nottingham train station today. As usual, I had pre-ordered my ticket and collected it before getting on the train.
Checking my ticket I walked along the platform to the right carriage. I smiled to myself, happy with how well organised I was to have left home without a hitch. (You can see what’s coming!)
Once outside the carriage, I checked my ticket again to see what seat I was in. So I climbed aboard and found my seat. It was around about then that I thought I’d get my ticket out for the ticket inspector.
*Then follows fifteen minutes of blind panic as I search EVERYWHERE for the ticket I had just been holding*
Without so much as a glimmer of sympathy, the ticket inspector told me that a new ticket would cost £66! What a BARGAIN- especially as my original ticket only cost £16. My only option was to hop off the train at Leicester and hope they’d do me a better deal. So I hobbled along to the ticket office with a year’s supply of junk on my back, round my neck and under my arm.
Eventually I got to London. And the whole way I have this phrase going round and round in my head:
“Start as you mean to go on.”
Please God no! :o)