
Thursday, 23 September 2010

Not Much To Say

There's been little to comment on over the past few days. The folks I'm staying with are moving house tomorrow so we've spent our time painting walls and getting the new house all ready. It's been a hectic time but it'll be nice to get settled into the new place. (Listen to me- 'get settled' I sound like an old man!)

Well conveniently, I've made an appointment to go to the bank tomorrow so I'm gonna make myself scarce and leave them to it! I'm gonna take my first trip into the city and go exploring. I have a list the length of my arm of places that have been recommended to me, so I'm just gonna enjoy wandering around Melbourne and seeing the sights. (Lots more photos to come Anmonymous Commentor) 

This weekend is the footy Grand Final here in the city so tomorrow there's a big parade in town. It all sounds a bit cheesey- so I can't wait!! 

Last night I had dinner with two new friends, Stefan and Trish. We had a great time cooking up a storm and getting to know each other. (See photos on Facebook) They live in the city and have been really helpful as I get to know my way around this crazy country. The only downside is, they insist on calling me 'The Little Leprechaun". Well it's a small price to pay I suppose. And after the abuse I've put up with in England for the past four years I should be used to it!

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