
Sunday, 26 June 2011

Trigger Happy...

It seems like this "travel" blog is slowly turning into a photography blog instead. I'm sorry, but I'm a bit obsessed with this new hobby. It seems like every moment not spent working is spent clicking the shutter on my camera. I fear my addiction may have gone too far after coming home last night covered in leech and mosquito bites and stinking of cow dung!

As mentioned earlier, Jared and I have been experimenting lots with long exposures- trying to capture movement in a single shot. So yesterday we bush-bashed our way through a forest to find a creek up in the hills. As is usually the case, only 10% of the shots I took were worth keeping but it's fun trying. We'd stop at a spot and try a few shots, compare notes, swap positions, kick ourselves for not getting the shot the other person got, then move on to the next area we wanted to shoot. Bleeding (from the leeches) and itching (from the mosquitos) we headed back to look at out photos.

 As we drove home we passed a little pond just as the sun was going down so jumped out for a final shot.

After having dinner it was time to head out again to try and capture some star trails. We drove out to a cattle field we had seen earlier in the day. Unfortunately I realised (a little too late) that cow pat is a lot harder to see in the dark! I think I can still smell it! The sky was perfect. Not a cloud to be seen and a new moon- just black sky and millions of stars.

Our mission was to take HEAPS of shots and them merge them later on computer.

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