I've had a fun few days in Byron Bay. Had my first ever surf lesson yesterday and got B.U.R.N.T. in the sun. Today I got up at 5:30 to go see the sun rise out at the lighthouse. Unfortunately this was made a lot more difficult by the latest addition to my hostel dorm. The two Brazilian lads I've been sharing with have been cool but yesterday a Welsh guy arrived. Now I've got nothing against the Welsh, but this guy has put ALL of them in my bad books. He arrived back from a night out at midnight- reasonable enough. But from 12 until 5 he proceeded to go through a series of coughing/snoring/shouting fits that I'm sure woke up half the neighbourhood! I'm serious! If somebody wanted to compile a list of comical sleeping noises they could learn a lot from this guy. At one point things were pretty quiet and I thought we might actually get to sleep when all of a sudden he EXPLODED into such a coughing fit that I thought he was gonna die (I was half hoping he would so I could get some precious zzzz!)
In the end I didn't even need my alarm at 5:30 thanks to our Welsh friend. I'd been awake the whole time.
Thankfully the sunrise was sweeeeet so that made up for the rubbish night somewhat and to be able to follow that up with a 7am surf (attempt) was a treat.
The sunset is beautiful, but the picture I saw of your head is NOT!!!! My boy's beautiful hair seems to have done a runner!