I'm still in the Gold Coast and have been enjoying some of the sights in the area. The city is mainly centered around the beach and shopping, so I've been travelling inland each day to go hiking or see some of the sights that are a bit more out of the way. As I said in an earlier post, I hiked a mountain called Mount Warning. I've now upload pics and you can see them in the pics page or on my Picassa site (see earlier post for address.) Have been back in that area I've taken some pics that show Mount Warning in its setting- if you look at my pics, it's the big pointy one.
Yesterday I went to Purling Brook Falls- a nice 4km walk down to the bottom of a 100m waterfall. The path actually goes in behind the falling water at its base. You might be able to see it in one of the pictures. I wasn't able to get any pics in there cos I was getting soaked, but it was good fun.
I then when to a rock feature called the Natural Bridge- this is another waterfall, but this on lunges down through a hole in the rock forming a natural bridge (funny enough). While down in the cave at the bottom of the falls I saw a sign talking about glowworms. Since I had no schedule I decided to wait around till night time to see if it was worth seeing. I sat in my car for an hour or two reading Dan Brown's latest trash waiting for darkness.

(The red lights are from the Japanese folks taking pictures with their flash. Looks kinds cool though, like another galaxy or something.)
So good to get an update. Sounds like you are having a great time. Miss you so. Love you so.