
Tuesday 30 November 2010

A Weekend Away...

My job description seems to be changing a lot these days. I didn't think I'd ever be applying for a job in an aquarium! (No word on that yet.) Today I became an 'Italian' teacher, and this past weekend I was full-time nanny for 11 kids.

I spent the weekend at a camp centre about an hour away for the O.M. (Operation Mobilisation) National Conference Australia. Someone at church knew I was a teacher and asked if I was free to look after the kids of the families who were coming to the conference. I don't know much about O.M. except that I've heard of the Logos and the Doulos, but I thought it's be fun to go along.

The camp centre was beautiful and had a 150 METRE water slide, a massive, zip-line, canoeing, climbing etc. etc. The kids were great fun and we had a blast while all the 'adults' did their boring 'adult stuff'. Fun fun.

Tomorrow it's back for more Italian teaching! Yikes! Do you think I can just get away with shouting "CIAO BELLA!" at the kids every time they ask a question?

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Victoria Night Market...

Last night the ladies (!) and I headed into town to check out the Victoria Night Market. During the day it's full of fruit and veg, but every Wednesday night it changes to food vans and clothes stalls etc. They have food stands from all over the world and other stands with all sorts of fun junk. Pics are ready for your viewing pleasure. On Sunday we met two German girls who are volunteering for an aid organisation for a few months, so they came along too.

We had a great time trying on hats, sampling the different foods (emu and croc were a particular low-point) and people watching. The locals have been so good at showing me around and we've already made plans to go bouldering and for a road trip to Uluru (Air's Rock). Cain't Wait!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Changing Plans...

My plan originally was to spend term time working in schools, then spend holiday times (when schools are closed) travelling. Soon after arriving here, however, people seemed to agree that summer is not the time to go travelling. Apparently its too hot and wet up north in Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns etc.

So I began formulating a different plan... spend my summer working some dead-end, minimum-wage job over the and then travel later in the year. That Sunday I was at church and got to talking to a girl (she's married Mum) and she said she works at Melbourne Aquarium as an Education Officer. Interesting, eh?

She explained that over the summer they're always looking for short-term staff. FUN! So, this week I applied for a summer job in Melbourne Aquarium. I won't hear anything for a few weeks but I'm definitely excited about the prospect. Not only is it a fun job (I hope) but it'll also help raise some travelling funds.

I had a day off yesterday so decided to check the place out. See pics. I went with Josh (som of the people I'm currently living with)- That way, I can suck up if I get an interview!


Saturday 20 November 2010

Summer's Comin'...

Spent a warm afternoon in the park with some friends from church. Nice place to try out my new lens. FUN! See photos tab for a few snaps.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Something Fishy...

I didn't eat this much!
Today I ordered sushi for lunch from the school canteen! Love it!

People over here go mad for their sushi. It's everywhere! I'm sure I've seen more sushi bars that fast food restaurants. 

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

A Fun Weekend...

Ha! Found a pic of him/her on Google!
Since the day I arrived here people have been so warm and welcoming to me. Work has finally started to pick up and the weather is warming as summer approaches. It all sounds great, but the one thing I have been hoping for is to meet some folks (my age) that I can hang out with.

Well this weekend was an answer to prayer. Saturday was a meal out at a groovy veggie restaurant followed by drinks at a bar with a sweeeet ten-piece funk band! They were awesome- playing all the old James Brown and Stevie Wonder classics! And on the way home I even saw a busker in a full size bunny costume. No joke, a human bunny playing electric guitar.

Sunday was spent with more friends from church. Big burger BBQ, playing Taboo, seeing some sights and going bowling. Good times.

They're great folks and I'm looking forward to hanging out again!

Wednesday 10 November 2010

House Numbers And Post Boxes...

While I was in Tasmania, I was struck (for some strange reason) by the cool and quirky house numbers and  post box designs that seemed to be everywhere. I started taking pictures of them just for fun and ended up with a fun little album that I've just uploaded. Check it out in the 'photo' tab. 

Another Day Another Dollar...

Sorry I haven't had a post on here in a while. There's been little to comment on really. I'm not complaining, it's actually because I've been working nearly all this week. The weather is finally beginning to warm up as summer approaches. I really started feeling it today- I'm not sure how many days I can wear a shirt and tie to school when its over 30 degrees! And tomorrow is to be even hotter! Do they make a shirt with an integrated cooling system? 

Friday 5 November 2010

Work Rolls In...

Spent today in Chatham Primary, teaching year 1. Was fun to be back with the age group I'm used. More importantly, it was fun for them to offer me four days next week! Weeeeeeeeeeee!

Thursday 4 November 2010


A mere ten minute walk was my commute to work this morning. Living in the middle of the 'school district' has it's perks! I was at one of the massive private schools today- Camberwell Boys Grammar. To get into the school I entered through gate SIX and walked through the 'Contemplation Garden' (seriously) to get to the junior school. There, I was introduced to Felix, a member of the Leadership Executive. I was told that if I have any questions, I should ask Felix. He's 11 :o)

It was a good day. Swimming in the morning, a trip to the library in the afternoon. Not bad. No photos I'm afraid- as that would get me deported immediately!

I got a call from another school this evening so have tomorrow booked in as well. Let's just hope it keeps going like this so I earn enough to enjoy the summer hols. Yipee!

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Time Marches On....

Not much to report these days. I'm back in Melbourne (almost typed Nottingham!) and am hoping to get some work. I visited another 8 schools today. That takes the total to over 20, so here's hoping something will come from it. Today I went to a lot of the big private grammar schools (with junior school departments). They are flippin' huge and are easily the most impressive schools I've ever seen.

Thankfully today's effort is paying off already as I got a call soon after getting home. So tomorrow I'm in Camberwell Boys Anglican College. I'll be in year five. These big posh schools are super intimidating so I just need to make sure I don't screw up! :o)

I'll let ya know. 

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