
Tuesday 23 November 2010

Changing Plans...

My plan originally was to spend term time working in schools, then spend holiday times (when schools are closed) travelling. Soon after arriving here, however, people seemed to agree that summer is not the time to go travelling. Apparently its too hot and wet up north in Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns etc.

So I began formulating a different plan... spend my summer working some dead-end, minimum-wage job over the and then travel later in the year. That Sunday I was at church and got to talking to a girl (she's married Mum) and she said she works at Melbourne Aquarium as an Education Officer. Interesting, eh?

She explained that over the summer they're always looking for short-term staff. FUN! So, this week I applied for a summer job in Melbourne Aquarium. I won't hear anything for a few weeks but I'm definitely excited about the prospect. Not only is it a fun job (I hope) but it'll also help raise some travelling funds.

I had a day off yesterday so decided to check the place out. See pics. I went with Josh (som of the people I'm currently living with)- That way, I can suck up if I get an interview!


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