
Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Time Marches On....

Not much to report these days. I'm back in Melbourne (almost typed Nottingham!) and am hoping to get some work. I visited another 8 schools today. That takes the total to over 20, so here's hoping something will come from it. Today I went to a lot of the big private grammar schools (with junior school departments). They are flippin' huge and are easily the most impressive schools I've ever seen.

Thankfully today's effort is paying off already as I got a call soon after getting home. So tomorrow I'm in Camberwell Boys Anglican College. I'll be in year five. These big posh schools are super intimidating so I just need to make sure I don't screw up! :o)

I'll let ya know. 

1 comment:

  1. You will be your brilliant self. They will love you, just like I do!!


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