
Saturday 5 March 2011

A Glimpse Of New Zealand...

Yea, I have internet again!

It's been a pretty busy week, moving around lots and trying to cram in as much as I can. The good news is the Tongariro Alpine Crossing was open the day after my last post. I came home sweaty and aching, but every blister (I think I had four) was worth it. The trek was 18.6 km over the volcanic landscape of a national park. There was the added option of climbing Mt Ngarahoe- this is the mountain they used as Mt Doom in The Lord Of The Rings. As you can see from the pic below, its pretty big. If you look at the bottom right of the picture you can see a little black dot. That is a person walking along the track beside the mountain! It was pretty grueling climb but hopefully the pics on the next page show that the views were worth the pain!

The rest of the walk was worth seeing too. I dont have time here to go into all the details, but I certainly did get a glimpse of this beautiful country.

Click on me to enlarge!

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